About the Author

Jerry Furnell is a '56 model Englishman replanted in Australia in '58. He lives on the magnificent Gold Coast in sunny Queensland. A business owner and self employed for the last thirty years, this avid reader is semi-retired and writes most days. He supports and is supported by two beautiful women; his wife Anastasia and his teenage daughter Pei-Pei.

In 2021, the Page Turner Book Awards shortlisted his debut novel Unleashing The Tiger. Early 2022 saw the release of The Naked Assassin, book two of the three-part adult / suspense / thriller naked assassin series. Book three, The Devil’s Daughter, wraps up the series and was released in December 2022.

All three avenger novels contain hot, sometimes gritty, sex scenes (not porn). The first-person stories are "in-your-face" and possibly upsetting to sensitive readers. Fair warning. The author intended Camilla Lee’s journey to appeal to a mature niche audience.